Shooting Schedule

Day 1- We went to p17 which is a drama room to shot our first shots. We found a place outside this room to shot the first 4 seconds which is the only part not in heat sensor effect. then we had to get some of our class mates to fill in, in the background. This had to be all one shot from 4 to 19 seconds which was hard to do hand held but it looked similar. We also shot the close up of a girl the girl taking a pill. All we needed was a black back ground. This was shot in the same room.

Day 2- The second day of filming we went to the same room. This day we shot a girl in a bucket hat. which had people in the back ground also. This was a hard part to film due to a cut straight to the same girls lips so we had to try and stay in exactly the same place. We also had to shot the front of the main character in the video. He was walking through the club but in a different part so we didn't need the same characters in the background as day 1. It was a hand held moving shot again flowing the main character forward so it was difficult to keep steady.

Day 3- We had to reshot the lips of the girl as it did not match. We watched the footage we had and then lined up the actor perfectly. All the other videos we had were usable. We also shot further on that we had to make sure we had enough footage as we didn't know if thee other shots were the exact same as the real music video. 

Editing- Ben and Harrison had trouble editing as they had to use after effects to add in the heat sensor. This proved very difficult and took a long time to complete. The start was heat censored where it wasn't meant to be and the colours had changed in the final piece.