Ava - the colour scheme goes well with the artist’s image. The style for the song names looks really good and works with the rest of it. 8
· Like the red
· Like middle bottom one
· Look like she’s bleeding
· 5/10
The yellow colour isn’t the same and changes in each of the photos. Left and back cover are both really original and interesting. I love the front cover on the red digipack so that would look really good for the front cover if the colour was changed to yellow. I think the red one is a lot more original and has lots of cool ideas.
I especially like the idea for the back cover as it is unique, and looks cool. I prefer the vibrancy that is shown in the yellow version, because I feel it gives off a better image for the song that you are completing for the music video.
However, the yellow one isn’t completely finished and I don’t understand why she is in a praying position, as the song seventeen doesn’t sound mature enough to have the trippy and supreme feel behind the digipak.
I really like the colour scheme for both, although I think the pink digipak looks more professional and I really like the effects with the ‘Ava’ covering your face. I really like the way the song list is crossed out, as it stands out because it is different. Overall, I prefer that digipak, but both are good. Good synergy for music video. (Level 4)
I really like the red theme. I prefer the pictures used on the red digipack so I think you should use those pictures just make the theme yellow. I really like the front cover picture and I think it has good editing on it. The left cover is a bit boring so maybe put some text over it or another picture on top of it. I also really like the back cover picture and think that is very original. Although you need to show synergy between the digipack and the website and the video.
AVA – Really like how original your digipak is, makes it really eye-catching and pretty,
good synergy and editing of pictures. Only bad thing is that there is only on the actual CD.
AVA- I love this digipak, the colors fit well and I love the front cover photo of AVA. But to improve it needs to be completed.
Ava – I like the idea and continuity of the red, however is this also reflected in your video and your website? The Image with the keyboard keys needs cleaning up, as the keys aren’t centred, and they need cropping a little better.
Very good front artwork but some of the images need formatting. Prefer red one innit.